Today my blogger spotlight falls squarely on the wonderfully-quirky Marlena from Self Constructed Freak...

I first became aware of Marlena after reading her cute collar tutorial over at Rookie mag...Yes, I KNOW it's an online magazine  (started by Tavi from Style Rookie - hero) for teenage girls and I haven't been a teenager for FIVE YEARS (omg) but everything about it invites me in. The content, the articles, the styling, the photos, the guest bloggers... WHY didn't this exist when I was 15?

Anyway, so Marlena was one of Rookie's awesome guest bloggers a while back and I've been creeping on her insane, grungy, teen-witchy, girly, pastel-gothy style ever since. Here's why I love her:

Here she is as Roy Lichtenstein's old school comic strip Crying Girl for Halloween. I mean, that's just RAD.

Pink eyebrows much? Hell yeah!

One of the best put-together outfits I've seen in a long LONG time. Every single detail is perfect!

The things I would do for this T-Shirt...


I rest my case.

I don't know about you guys but when I'm creeping on personal style blogs I always get so much more pleasure out of ones where the blogger has a really strong, statement, individual style that can't easily be copied by the masses. Of course, I do also like the ones where the gal is decked out head to toe in designer/highstreet finery purely for the lust factor, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE blogs like Marlena's for genuine style inspiration. These pics make my heart happy. Or something less cheesy. But, yeah...

Definitely go check her, AND Rookie out. Maybe you'll find it appeals to your inner emo-girl teenager as much as it appeals to mine. Which is A LOT.

Also, Scottish folk, if you're planning on attending Scottish Ballet's winter spectacular - The Sleeping Beauty - keep your eyes peeled for a wee article in the programme written by yours truly. Don't want to give too much away so I will leave it as cryptic as that for now...

Oh, AND, if you're out and about in St Enochs, Buchanan Galleries, Princes Sq, Silverburn or pretty much any Glasgow shopping centre, remember to pick up a copy of the recently-rebranded UK Beauty Guide... Here's a sneak peek of my article:

Check me, pure banging on about trends like I know what I'm on aboot!