Mothers Wanting Natural Childbirth Have Options

By DyAnna Gordon
The experience of giving birth profoundly impacts a woman forever. In the past, many women had little choice in their birth experiences. Either they gave birth before the advent of modern anesthesia techniques or gave birth during the time of “twilight sleep birth,” when women were given pain medication that rendered them unconscious or into such a trance that they would not remember what they went through.

In the modern world, women have more options. They can choose a natural birth, without any type of medication, or an epidural — anesthesia placed in the woman’s spinal column causing a cessation of pain below her waist. Epidurals can be a lifesaver for women who need cesarean sections and a useful tool for those with drawn out labors.

However, natural childbirth offers tremendous benefits for the laboring woman and her baby such as:

• Reduced chance of cesarean section.
• Easier time breastfeeding.
• Increased bonding between mother and infant and less separation.
• Increased participation by the mother’s partner in the birth experience.
• Increased maternal sense of accomplishment.

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