Set Up a Birth Altar For Focus and Guidance During Labor

When prepping for birth, there are so many medical and physical factors to consider – but your emotional state is also something that is incredibly important. Along with learning deep breathing, and methods such as Hypnobithing to help you through labor, there are things you can put together to help give you focus as well. One of those things is a ‘birth altar.’

Now, I know the word ‘altar’ itself weirds some people out – but remember it’s not religion-specific, though Christian churches, Catholics and Pagans alike, amongst many others use them that way – but it’s instead spiritual, inspirational and emotional.

Specifically, it’s a table, surface or set up with items or images of importance. And that’s what we’re talking about here! Setting up some little emotionally-charged and helpful pictures, tools, words and so on for you to concentrate on. But if the word still bothers you, feel free to choose something different to call yours. Your birth shrine, maybe?

The whole goal here is to have a focal point during labor with things that help calm you, even release endorphins, remind you of the purpose of your contractions and help you feel calm.

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