Getting Enough Iron During Pregnancy Doesn't Have to Mean Popping Pills

During your pregnancy, considering the fact that you’re growing a new organ and a new human and supplying the oxygen and nutrients from your own body, it’s especially important to make sure your iron levels are healthy.

Iron is a vital mineral that is essential for bringing oxygen to the different organs and tissues within your body. It’s actually present in every single cell in our bodies, although it’s primarily found in the hemoglobin in the red blood cells, and the myoglobin in the muscles.

Iron supplements can cause uncomfortable digestive upsets such as constipation or diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, especially during pregnancy when many women are queasy to begin with, so how can you make sure you are taking in enough iron if you can’t keep the pill down? Fortunately there are many different ways to increase your iron intake through the foods you eat, rather than turning to a supplement.

There are many foods that provide iron, and our bodies know how to work with the nutrients in real food so much more efficiently than the nutrients in most vitamin supplements. Another benefit of getting iron through natural food sources instead of a supplement is that nutritious, whole foods are rich sources of many other valuable nutrients.

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