So, a while back I became mildly OBSESSED with Advanced Style after I wrote that post on Iris Apfel for MAC and discovered she was much-loved by the eccentric blog which celebrates stylish older folk.

Imagine my excitement when I noticed on Style Rookie this morning that Advanced Style are making a documentary AND book, and my beloved Iris features in both :)

Have a gander at the trailer and feel instantly better about your life. Seriously.

Best quotes -

"I just like to feel better dressed than other people." (NEW MANTRA)

"This is what I am, this is what you get."

"I'm not ready for a convent or anything, so I can wear leopard glasses."

"Young women, you're going to be an old woman someday. Don't worry about it. Don't sweat it. Every era builds character."

Absolutely love it. Can I hang about with them?