I've seen this John Frieda PR post about LOADS over the past few weeks, which at first kind of put me off wanting to try out their products, but SERIOUSLY, I'm now a convert!

I was contacted by Jilly from JF asking if I would like to try out some freebies in order to aid me in trying to style my hair a la THIS:

So, long story short I hate my hair. I've had it short, long, black, brown, blonde, red, bleached, braided (Rastafari!), shaved and crimped and it never ever looks how I want it. Much in the same way I am useless with makeup, I am similarly challenged when it comes to doin' a hot do. It's OK, I've made peace with it. There's more to life than hair, right?


I actually had a go at this tutorial with my Babyliss curling wand I won from Ann (Girl in the City Glasgow) and it looked PRETTY GOOD. I mean, it was still a bit wonky at the back, and some bits were more tightly curled than others and I burnt my ear fairly badly, BUT STILL, it was OK.

However, one thing ruined the whole look more than anything else... STATIC. I literally could flip my head upside down and back again and it was crackling with the stuff. Completely unruly, tuggy and sticking out sideways. Yuck. It's always been like this, especially when I try and style it - flyaway central and staticked oot it's nut. Normally I just attack it with hairspray or shove it up in a bobble, dejected and disappointed in my lack of styling abilities...

Thank God Jilly had sent me along some of the John Frieda Secret Agent Perfecting Cream, because this stuff is my new favourite hair product EVER!

Honestly you guys, if you have staticky, unruly, frizzy or flyaway hair this cream is amazing.

At first I was like, "no way am I slathering this stuff over my finished do," but once you get the hang of how much you need (clue, not a lot) and rub it between your hands before smoothing it through the ends, it'll work wonders, I guarantee!

The texture is creamy but it doesn't feel wet or thick on the hair and it doesn't weigh it down either. I can imagine this working well in the humidity of summer too when my hair decides it hates me and does a Monica for a solid three months...

I mean, this is probably a fairly useless review for most of you out there who have been using styling products for yonks, but for a novice like me who basically just uses her dad's Head and Shoulders, forgets conditioner, towel-dries and goes, this is my new holy grail item.

You can pick this stuff up for a fiver(ish) at Boots and I'll definitely be getting myself some more when this runs out.

BY THE WAY you only have 2 days left to register by the 10th of Feb to attend the International Women's Day get together blogger event next month. I'll be letting you guys know the location next week hopefully, and will confirm more good stuff over the coming weeks :)

Apart from being an awesome excuse to meet up and have a giggle, the money raised will go (via Oxfam) to some truly inspiring women's charities across the globe, including ones fighting for the banishment once and for all of FGM, equality in the work place, the right to basic maternity care, education for women and girls, the closure of the poverty gap and loads more. Click here for more info.