By Helene Rose from
Do you trust your body to birth your baby?
Knowing our bodies is key to trusting our bodies. When we fully know and trust ourselves, we are free to tap into our power center and can birth as nature intended—free from artificial stimulation and augmentation, free from narcotics and analgesics. Our inner strength guides us as we birth and we know how!
Unfortunately, most births do not unfold as nature intended. Why? The answer is F-E-A-R. Fear interferes with our ability to know and trust ourselves. A mother fears that she won’t be able to “handle the pain” or her “hips aren’t wide enough” or her “baby is too big.” Care providers and hospitals fear lawsuits, long births, the natural process.
The good news is that with awareness we can notice our fears, eliminate them, and learn to understand and trust our bodies.
Consider bring more trust and knowing to your being:
1. Notice your fears. Eliminate them.
With keen awareness, notice each thought that you have around birth. With keen awareness, notice the words that others speak that are fear based, and how they affect you. Choose healthy thoughts. Gently, without judging, guide yourself with a loving mantra “My body is perfectly designed to grow and birth a healthy baby.” Repeat often.
2. Choose care providers who are not guided by fear.
As you interview various care providers (midwives, obstetricians, family doctors) pay close attention to the responses that they give you to your questions. Are they fear based responses? Are their words manipulative? Do they let you make your own choices that feel right to you or do they seem to have a standard plan of care?
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